2020-08-06 00:31:03
000BFB09 Coal01 (Charcoal)
000BBCD5 MQ106DragonParchment (Map of Dragon Burials)
000B08C7 dunUniqueBeeInJar (Bee in a Jar)
000AD06F E3DemoMQ103Dragonstone (Dragonstone)
000AADB7 dunRagnTorstensKey (Torsten's Skull Key)
000AADB6 dunRagnSaereksKey (Saerek's Skull Key)
0009BAF8 Basket06 (Basket)
000999E7 E3GoldenClaw (Golden Claw)
0004C3C8 Quill01 (Quill)
0004C3C6 Inkwell01 (Inkwell)
0008632C Glazed02Jug01 (Jug)
0008632A Glazed02Urn01 (strange crystal)
0006F3AA DA09Crystal (strange crystal)
00064298 YsgramorsBladePiece12 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)
00064296 YsgramorsBladePiece11 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)
00064294 YsgramorsBladePiece10 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)
00064292 YsgramorsBladePiece09 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)
00064290 YsgramorsBladePiece08 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)
0006428E YsgramorsBladePiece07 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)
0006428B YsgramorsBladePiece06 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)
00064289 YsgramorsBladePiece05 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)
00064287 YsgramorsBladePiece04 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)
00064285 YsgramorsBladePiece03 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)
00064283 YsgramorsBladePiece02 (Fragment of Wuuthrad)
0005C09E WRTempleTreeSaplingSample01 (Gildergreen Sapling)
0005B2DF FFRiften17OreSample (Quicksilver Ore)
00043E28 FFRiften14Spoon (Wylandriah's Spoon)
00043E27 FFRiften14Ingot (Orichalcum Ingot)
00041F95 FFRiften11Mark (Mark of Dibella)
00025D7C DwarvenUrn01 (Dwemer Bowl)
00025CFE DwarvenPot01 (Dwemer Bowl)
00025C68 DwarvenBowl03 (Dwemer Bowl)
00025C13 DwarvenBowl02 (Dwemer Bowl)
00020949 DBTortureTools (Torture Tools)
000200BA ImperialWarHorn (Imperial War Horn)
000200B6 NordWarHorn (Nord War Horn)
000E72B0 IronSwordpokenTop (poken Iron Sword Blade)
000E72AE IronSwordpokenHandle (poken Iron Sword Handle)
000E72AC IronMacepokenTop (poken Iron Mace Head)
000E72AA IronMacepokenHandle (poken Iron Mace Handle)
000E72A8 IronWarAxepokenTop (poken Iron War Axe Head)
000E72A6 IronWarAxepokenHandle (poken Iron War Axe Handle)
000E72A4 SteelWarhammerpokenHandle (poken Steel Warhammer Handle)
000E72A2 SteelWarhammerpokenTop (poken Steel Warhammer Head)
000E72A0 SteelBattleAxepokenHandle (poken Steel Battle Axe Handle)
000E729E SteelBattleAxepokenTop (poken Steel Battle Axe Head)
000E729C SteelGreatswordpokenHandle (poken Steel Greatsword Handle)
000E729A SteelGreatswordpokenTop (poken Steel Greatsword Blade)
000E7298 SteelSwordpokenHandle (poken Steel Sword Handle)
000E7296 SteelSwordpokenTop (poken Steel Sword Blade)
000E4897 RuinedBook02 (Ruined Book)
000E42E1 SilverCandleStick03Off (Candlestick)
000E42E0 SilverCandleStick02Off (Candlestick)